Running Q.TEA


You can access Quantum TEA through an installation on your own local machine. The installation is based on pip, the standard Python package manager.

Quantum TEA Leaves
Available v1.1.1, v0.5.14

Install with:
– pip install qtealeaves (for the newest version)
– pip install qtealeaves==x.x.x (for the version x.x.x)

Quantum Matcha TEA
Available v0.3.12 (comes with the QTeaLeaves v0.5.13 as a dependency)

Install with:
– pip install qmatchatea

Leonardo supercomputer

The users who have access to Leonardo can run Quantum TEA powered by the Cineca supercomputer, which ranks fourth in the Top500 list.

Quantum TEA Leaves
Available v0.5.14

Install with:
– module load profile/quantum qtealeaves

Quantum Matcha TEA
Available v0.3.12 (comes with the QTeaLeaves v0.5.13 as a dependency)

Install with:
– module load profile/quantum qmatchatea

Cloud Platform

Executing complex quantum circuits demands a significant amount of high-performance computing resources. We leverage CloudVeneto, the cloud infrastructure for scientific research provided by a collaborative initiative between the University of Padova and the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN). With the support of CloudVeneto, we have developed a novel QuantumTEA platform, enabling users to execute their circuits through Qiskit, the consolidated method for accessing quantum systems.

The service requires access to CloudVeneto.


Quantum Matcha Tea

Quantum Tea Leaves


Example scripts

Coming soon


Running Quantum Green Tea

Available on request


For users and developers

Request to join the Quantum TEA Stackoverflow page